
  • food and wine,  Liguria,  travel

    Ligurian Pigato with Pesto Focaccia and Shellfish

    Food, Wine & Travel in Seaside Liguria Genoa, Liguria Italy Port of Genova, Liguria Liguria, located on the northwest coast of Italy, bordering the French Riviera, is certainly a destination of choice for several reasons.  For one, you have access to two rivieras in one! Moreover, the Liguria region is downright gorgeous and picturesque with its mountains, rolling hills mountain villages and beaches that rest on its splendor along the Mediterranean and Ligurian Seas.  Ligura consists of four provinces: Genoa, home of Christopher Columbus (the capital and port city), Imperia, Savona and La Spezia, which is home to the infamous Cinque Terre. Three of the world famous resorts of Rapallo…

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