
  • Apulia,  Puglia

    Feel the Heel with these 10 Primitivos

    Ten Must-Try Bottles of Primitivo di Manduria Manduria, Puglia c/o Consorzio di Tutela Primitivo di Manduria An early ripening grape variety known as Primitivo, or Primitivus in Latin, produces a beautiful wine that every winelover should experience. It is genetically identical to Zinfandel, as well as the Croatian grape, Crljenak Kastelanski. So, you like the flavor profiles in these grapes, you’re in the right place.  There is no secret, though, if you want good, authentic Primitivo, you go to Puglia.  Puglia, located in the Southeastern part of Italy, forming the heel of the Italian boot, is major producer of Primitivo and it is considered one of their most distinguished red…

  • Puglia

    Erminio Campa, A Pearl in Primitivo di Manduria

    Pure, Primitive and Palate Pleasing Pure, unadulterated Primitivo.  That’s what you get when you sip a glass of Erminio Campa Primitivo di Manduria.  I had the pleasure of visiting Erminio Campa Viticoltore on a Press Tour to explore the Manduria region of Puglia.  I was immediately drawn to their wines, as it was love at first taste!  I knew I wanted to learn more. Interacting with Ermino Campa Ermino, Francescoand Valentino Campa Erminio Campa is a fantastic wine producer in Puglia, located in Taranto, in the municipality of Torricella.  This is a typical area of Primitivo di Manduria, about 3 km from the Ionian Sea. The vineyards have been in…

  • food and wine,  Italiano,  Puglia,  travel

    Piacere dell’Apulia: Primitivo e Cavatelli con Gamberetti e Melanzane Arrabiatta

    Scrutare e Piaceri dell’Apulia Lecce, Puglia L’Apulia, la regione allungata, conosciuta come “Tacco” a dell’Italia, si trova tutto sulla sua costa orientale e ha come limitrofi Molise nel nord e Campagnia e Basilicata a ovest.  L’Apulia confina con il Mar Ionio e l’Adriatico e ha la più lunga linea costiera in tutta Italia.  Questo lungo litorale è favorevole per il commercio con la Grecia e altri paesi europei.  La regione è divisa in sei province: Bari, Barletta-Andria-Trani, Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce e Taranto. La provincia di Lecce si riferisce spesso come la “Firenze del Sud” grazie alla sua magnifica architettura barocca su tutte le sue chiese e palazzi. Funzioni di Taranto…

  • food and wine,  Puglia,  travel

    Pleasures of Puglia: Primitivo and Cavatelli with Shrimp & Eggplant Arrabiatta

    Peer into the Pleasures of Puglia Lecce, Puglia Puglia, the elongated region, known as Italy’s “heel,” is located all the way on its east coast, and has as its neighbors Molise in the north and Campagnia and Basilicata on the west.  Puglia is bordered by the Ionian and Adriatic Seas, and has the longest coastline in all of Italy.  This long Mediterranean coastline is conducive for trading with Greece and other European countries. The region is divided into six provinces: Bari, Barletta-Andria-Trani, Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce and Taranto. The province of Lecce is often referred to as the “Florence of the South” due to its magnificent baroque architecture on all of…

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