• #ItalianFWT,  #Toscana,  #Tuscany,  #wine #winetasting

    Have You Tried These Super Tuscans?

    Super Tuscans to Tempt Your Palate Italy is the worlds largest producer of wine, wowing wine-lover, wine-taster and wine expert alike with its over 500 grape varieties. There are also many different styles of wine being produced. This month, the #ItalianFWT group discussed the style known as the Super Tuscan. About the Super Tuscan It’s no secret, Tuscan wine, or wine from the Tuscan region of Italy, is quite super. However, the term, Super Tuscan, came into circulation in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, during the Italian wine renaissance. Super Tuscan refers to a particular style of wine. These wines were innovative, as they used non-traditional blending formulas and…

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